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Fountain of Youth

Fountain of Youth

This tea is energizing without the caffeine, nourishing for your skin and contains cooling herbs to help bring your internal temperature down on hot, summer days.

  • Herbal Benefits


    -potassium rich, natural electrolytes

    -diuretic, beneficial to liver & kidney function

    -antioxidant, provides support for UTI's



    -high in silicon, great for bone health, hair, skin & nails

    -anti-inflammatory, antioxidant


    -superior flavour, great for digestive health, gas & bloating, nausea & abdominal pain

    -antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory, can ease mental fatigue

    Gingko Biloba

    -powerful antioxidant, improves circulation & heart health

    -anti-inflammatory associated with respiratory issues

    -may enhance brain function, mental clarity

    -aids with headaches & migraines (traditional Chinese medicine)

    Lemon Balm

    -antibacterial, calms anxiety

    -mild sedative effects


    -vitamin C rich for iron assimilation, bioflavonoids promote tissue repair


    -bioflavonoids support kidneys & circulation

    -tasty, cooling, nutritive

  • Instructions

    Steep 1 tsp per cup of boiling water for 10-15 min. Let cool competely for stronger flavour and add ice for a cool, refreshing tea. Add honey as desired.

  • Disclaimer

    Do not consume for more than 2 months in a row. Do not take if you have a major allery to pollen, are pregnant/breastfeeding, on antidepressants, taking ibprofen or taking blood pressure medication. Contact your doctor before use. This site does not substitute for professional medical advice.

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