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The Guardian

The Guardian

This tea is a digestive aid with massive anti-inflammatory properties, as well as an immuity builder due to its high antioxidant content. Great for cold and flu season!

  • Health Benefits


    -anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, protects against oxidative stress

    -boosts immunity, aids in digestion

    -relieves repiratory cengestion, improves blood circulation


    -anti-inflammatory, may reduce blood pressure & sugar levels

    -aids in digestion, high in antioxidants

    -potent antibacterial & antifungal properties


    -antioxidant, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic

    -promotes healthy digestion

    -high concentration of phytonutrients


    -superior flavour

    -great for digestive health, gas & bloating, nausea & abdominal pain

    -antibacterial, antiviral, anti-inflammatory

    -can ease mental fatigue

  • Instructions

    Simmer in boiling water for 10-15 min. Let cool competely for stronger flavour and add ice for a cool, refreshing tea. Add honey as desired.

  • Disclaimer

    Do not take if you are pregnant/breastfeeding or taking blood pressure medication. Contact your doctor before use. This site does not substitute for professional medical advice.

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